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There are hundreds of thousands of exciting LomoHomes just waiting to be discovered! Not sure where to start? You can explore LomoHomes around the world, why not start in Thailand, France or the United States? Or ignite your curiosity by searching for those mentioning doubles, cats or coffee in their biographies. The possibilities are endless...
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Newcomer: babylontoorough
63 Photos · joined 2025-02-05An analog photos are for an analog people.
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Album: Kodak Brownie Cresta II
shared by maycha on 2025-02-10 · 7 Photos -
Newcomer: milieu
301 Photos · joined 2025-02-02Art pour l‘art 🫶🏻 Street Art Milieu Art
Album: minolta x-300 w/ gold 200
shared by myotahapea on 2025-02-10 · 6 Photos -
Newcomer: esmejpg
160 Photos · joined 2025-01-29by Esme Ngan (ig: jupa.shots) life is like surfing anyways; happy swimming
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3,769 Photos · joined 2023-05-02My Instagram: For those of you who still enjoy APS Film, join us in the APS Film Users Group on facebook: …
4,303 Photos · joined 2022-03-29Brazilian film photographer ::: Yashica FX-3 | Yashica ME-1 | Yashica Lynx 14 | Yashica MF-3 Super Olympus OM-1 | Ricoh 500GX | Canon Sure Shot | Argus Dual-35 | Lomo F …
Album: Asahi Pentax KM
shared by kamera_obscura on 2025-02-10 · 11 Photos -
Newcomer: gilbertcarosin
35 Photos · joined 2025-02-05Photographer born and raised in Mauritius island I shoot a Nikon f5 and some old manual AI lenses most of my works happen in my studio at Roche-Bois I will post from time to time here between my …
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Album: 2024 VELVIA
shared by gabrielvenske on 2025-02-10 · 13 Photos -
10,116 Photos · joined 2012-03-06 -
5,673 Photos · joined 2015-08-11
11,511 Photos · joined 2019-05-17 -
Album: vol.082 Kodak Portra400 minolta a7
shared by mak-t-photo on 2025-02-10 · 79 Photos -
Newcomer: steadyhuman
90 Photos · joined 2025-02-02 -
Album: Finales y comienzos
shared by eunicemalo on 2025-02-10 · 8 Photos -
10,911 Photos · joined 2022-01-31"Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst." (Henri Cartier-Bresson) Well, I reached my first 10,000 and I'm not sure I'm getting any better...... ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ 📷📸 I have …
Newcomer: truuya
209 Photos · joined 2025-02-09 -
163 Photos · joined 2025-01-17 -
Album: First swap experiment around Savona and Ferrania(!) railway station..Yashica Fx-3 super 2000 with Ferrania 100 exp. 2004, exposed at 400
shared by browniebox on 2025-02-10 · 14 Photos -
Newcomer: ronkolos
388 Photos · joined
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16,679 Photos · joined 2019-12-17Christian, French classic car spotter. I'm @oldcarsonfilm (ex @jaidespellicules) on Instagram (digital account being @astonuts). I shoot 110, 135, 126, 127, 620, 120, SX-70, 600 and Instax. I l …
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Album: Second attempt at home developing turned out better
shared by charlesleoiv on 2025-02-10 · 14 Photos -
Newcomer: chat-perdu
42 Photos · joined 2025-01-30Recovering camera/lens hoarder in the making from Montreal Back to photography after a 20 year hiatus hoarding music stuff instead. Canon 7 Canonet QL17 GIII Contax G1 Nikon F5 Mamiya RB67 …
In the Magazine
Ongoing Competitions
Lomography Community Recap: January 2025
written by bydenise on 2025-02-10 #gear #culture #newsHere's your monthly dose of the latest happenings in the Lomography Community! Curious as to what your fellow Lomographers have been up to? Or want the latest scoop on our ongoing Competitions? Find all this and more in our monthly recap!
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Lomography Community Recap: December 2024
written by bydenise on 2025-01-08 #gear #culture #newsHere's your monthly dose of the latest happenings in the Lomography Community! Curious as to what your fellow Lomographers have been up to? Or want the latest scoop on our ongoing Competitions? Find all this and more in our monthly recap!
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Lomography Community Recap: November 2024
written by bydenise on 2024-12-05 #gear #culture #newsHere's your monthly dose of the latest happenings in the Lomography Community! Curious as to what your fellow Lomographers have been up to? Or want the latest scoop on our ongoing Competitions? Find all this and more in our monthly recap!
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Introducing @pollo305 — North America's Honorary LomoHome of November 2024
written by eloffreno on 2024-11-26 #culture #peopleIn celebration of our talented community, the team at Lomography USA have been honoring their favorite active Lomographers on our website for "LomoHome of the Month." This month, we're highlighting community member Manny (@pollo305).
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Lomography Community Recap: October 2024
written by bydenise on 2024-11-06 #gear #culture #newsHere's your monthly dose of the latest happenings in the Lomography Community! Curious as to what your fellow Lomographers have been up to? Or want the latest scoop on our ongoing Competitions? Find all this and more in our monthly recap!
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Introducing Coleman Dupuis (@kk4422) — North America's Honorary LomoHome of October 2024
written by eloffreno on 2024-10-28 #gear #culture #peopleFor the October edition of Lomography USA's LomoHome of the Month, we're highlighting community member Coleman Dupuis (@kk4422) for their Lomographic way of documenting the world around them.
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Lomography Community Recap: September 2024
written by bydenise on 2024-10-04 #news #videosHere's your monthly dose of the latest happenings in the Lomography Community! Curious as to what your fellow Lomographers have been up to the past summer? Or want the latest scoop on our ongoing Competitions? Find all this and more in our monthly recap!
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Introducing Jacob Saavedra (@jsaavedra93) — North America's Honorary LomoHome of September 2024
written by eloffreno on 2024-09-19 #gear #culture #peopleFor the month of September we're highlighting community member Jacob Saavedra (@jsaavedra93) for his experimentation with color and subject matter throughout his body of work.
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Lomography Community Recap: August 2024
written by bydenise on 2024-09-05 #gear #cultureHere's your monthly dose of the latest happenings in the Lomography Community! Curious as to what your fellow Lomographers have been up to the past summer? Or want the latest scoop on our ongoing Competitions? Find all this and more in our monthly recap!
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