Community Gallery: Seascapes on Film
15 Share TweetA few months ago I read Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. A few of her ideas on relationships, individuality, self-expression, and our core need for solitude, stuck with me. But mostly I appreciated how the sea inspired her to write these reflections and realizations.
In one line she said that the beach is "not a place to work; to read, write or to think". Still, in these places we get to rest and recover into healthier states of mind. Moreover, the natural beauty of seascapes can also drive and inspire our work or hobbies, especially photography.
For sure, many of us are acquainted with the healing wonders of staring out at the sea, or even plunging into cool waters to relieve our skin from the heat of the sun. It's reminiscent of childhood summer vacations, or even the ones we take as adults to take a short break from the places and ways of living we've gotten used to.
These expansive views are often gateways to moments of self-reflection, or flashes of insight where we realize that some things we've previously been stressing about pale in comparison to the things we should be grateful or excited about.
Of course, seascapes have long been well-loved subjects in film photography. There's the endless shapes of the waves to take notice of and capture, the fun and relaxing atmosphere when taking a dip, and the vast blueness of the sea inspiring photographers, or anyone with the tendency to create, for that matter.
There's a lot to be captivated by, but one of the ways to cherish these shorelines is by taking photos of seascapes, and letting the mood be translated into a memory one can hold on to and remember. Take for example these photos by our community members, where each location shines with the help of film's distinct look and feel.
Do you have a favorite photo taken by the sea? Share it with us below!
written by sylvann on 2024-08-23 #people #places #seascapes #community-gallery
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