Ferrania Eura: The Beauty


I’ve seen the Ferrania Eura on Ebay and directly fell in love. Her look is beautiful. I just never expected that I would like their photos so much. I own cameras with a beautiful look but I don’t like the photos they produce.

The camera was produced by the Italian company Ferrania in 1959 in Milan. It’s a 6 × 6 medium format camera and consists of plastic and metal. She only has two apertures, f8 and f12, and the shutter speed is about 1/30 s.
You can set the distance from 2m to infinity.

My results with the Kodak Portra 400 VC:

Credits: pearlgirl77

Unfortunately it has fallen down and at one corner is a little piece of plastic broken off, so I have to fix it first before I can use it again.
When you see it on Ebay or on a flea market – BUY IT!

Only a steady hand you should have because of the shutter speed of 1/30 s. , but for most of the photos it has worked quite well, because the camera feels good in the hand.

written by pearlgirl77 on 2013-02-11 #gear #review #camera #photos #beauty #surprised #ferrania-eura

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