Tag: color
The Great Big Lomography Film Bible: Colour Negative Edition
written by pamelaklaffke on 2010-11-04 #gear #tutorialsSo many films, yet only so much time (and money). Analogue world can be overwhelming at times, but we’re here to help with the first installment of the Lomography Film Bible. We’re kicking things off with a round-up of all kinds of colour negative film.
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The Colors of Cross-Processing - Sample Shots for many Slide Films by mephisto19
2010-03-14 #newsHow often have you asked yourself "how did these colors came out"? So here is a try to sort some samples by colors and film brands, but only a short overview and based on the labs I used and m scaner, as results are totally different in other countries!
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Double the Pleasure: An Introduction to Multiple Exposures
written by lomo-camkage on 2011-03-30 #tutorialsA lot of people love the surrealness from superimposed photographs but find the technique too difficult to become a multiple exposures master. Let's go back to basics as we talk about how multiple exposures work and what you can look for.
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Come on! Let’s Do the Color Process!
written by pepper-b on 2011-02-02 #gear #tutorialsSince I got into analogue photography, I´ve only developed one roll in the lab: they took one day to develop and scan it, and then I found out they hadn’t scanned the sprocket holes… I really needed a scanner and knowledge on processing/developing!!
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Let’s do our own scanning! Epson V500
written by pepper-b on 2011-03-17 #gear #tutorialsScanning our own film or photos is a blessing! We can save time, money, scan the way we want to and store the files in our computer!
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Camera Modification: Turn your LC-A+ into a Rainbow Camera!
written by sandravo on 2013-05-16 #gear #tutorialsPersonally I am a huge fan of redscaling. It allows you to get some color in your photos, even on the grayest of days. But what if you just want to add the redscale effect to just some of your photos rather than shooting an entire roll this way? Easy enough: use a red filter! And while you're at it, why not throw in some other colors as well?! Read on to find out how you can turn your LC-A+ in to a rainbow camera!
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Cellophane Filters: An Easy Way to Add Color to Your Pictures
written by kathepalacio on 2012-04-06 #gear #tutorialsSometimes we use a regular film, take some good shots and finally after developing the results are not what we wanted, some color and magic is missing. Here's a simple way to add more color to your pictures by following 3 steps.
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Handmade color processing with Tetenal Color Colortec C-41 Rapid Negative Kit
written by pepper-b on 2011-02-04 #gear #tutorialsAfter I started to develop black and white film, I really wanted to know if it was possible to do the same with color negatives, but the guys at the lab told me: “color film processing is different…you need to get the right temperatures, find the right chemistry, and the chemistry will expire fast, the lab is cheaper and reliable, you'll waste your money and time...” But I was decided!
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The Colors of Nature
written by gladys on 2011-09-22Have you ever wondered why the sky sometimes is blue, sometimes green, sometimes red or orange? I love taking pictures of the sky; how about you?
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Shooting with Expired Film
written by adam_g2000 on 2012-03-06 #gear #tutorialsShooting with expired film is always a gamble. If you remember to expect the unexpected you'll always be pleased. In the end, isn't that what it's all about?
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What It Takes: Universal Mercury II
written by dinospork on 2012-02-20 #gear #tutorialsFor this edition of What It Takes series by Lomographer Dan Arnold, he will be working with the Universal Mercury II.
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LomoHacks: The Sprocket Rocket
written by alienmeatsack on 2017-03-24We all have our ways of making our cameras our own, making them do what we want, and helping us to remember how to use them. This is my take on making my Sprocket Rocket mine, with marks and hints on making it easier to use.
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Exposure Therapy: An Interview with Edie Sunday
written by Teresa Sutter on 2016-05-07 #peopleEdie Sunday's images are mystical, dreamy and intimate. The 26 year-old photographer, who has been fascinated by film since a very young age, draws inspiration from the female form and explores a realm between the conscious and the unconscious by playing with color and light.
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Shooting Portraits: A Few Tips And Stuff
written by anird on 2012-07-05 #gear #tutorialsThis is an article to help those few and indeed others who want to know a few tips and tricks on how to go about shooting portraits and making it more interesting.
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Ultra, Slim, & Wide: The Vivitar UWS and Superheadz Slim & Wide
written by Lorraine Healy on 2017-09-27A long-time fan of plastic cameras, Argentinean writer and photographer Lorraine Healy is the author of “Tricks With A Plastic Wonder,” a manual for achieving better results with a Holga camera. In this article, Healy teams up with @honeygrahams224 to sing the praises of two plastic toy cameras.
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Further Forays Into Color Infrared
written by Lorraine Healy on 2017-06-21 #tutorialsA long-time fan of plastic cameras, Argentinean writer and photographer Lorraine Healy is the author of “Tricks With A Plastic Wonder,” a manual for achieving better results with a Holga camera. In this article, Healy delves deeper into the art of color infrared photography, examining the differences achieved by using different color filters.
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Make X-pro Redscale!
written by vicuna on 2009-02-24 #gear #tutorialsWhat I love about Redscale-ing having a whole new red/orange universe in your shots but what happens if you reverse a slide film and cross process it?
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Landscape Photography With A Holga
written by Lorraine Healy on 2017-02-08 #gear #placesA long-time fan of plastic cameras, Argentinean writer and photographer Lorraine Healy is the author of “Tricks With A Plastic Wonder,” a manual for achieving better results with a Holga camera. In this article, Healy examines the possibilities and techniques of using a Holga camera for landscape photography.
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The Beauty of Ektar Pushed + 2 Stops
written by Lorraine Healy on 2018-07-16 #peopleHave you ever tried "pushing" a roll of Kodak Ektar 100? Argentinean writer and photographer Lorraine Healy shares the results of her experiment.
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The Language of Photography
written by jeanmendoza on 2012-02-22This is how we communicate, Lomographers.
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All of the Lights and More — an Interview with Jaume Creus
written by cheeo on 2019-06-05 #culture #peopleVibrant and vivid in color, Jaume Creus' photographs can convince anyone to take pictures in the relative calmness of the dark.
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Crazy Color Filters Tailored for the Instax Mini 7S
written by z on 2011-07-12 #gear #tutorialsMake a rainbow world by using colored markers as color filters for your instant photography. Here's a tutorial on how to do it.
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Holgaroid: A Polaroid Back for your Holga - A User Review
written by fuzztone04 on 2009-09-24 #gearDo you love all the quirks of your beloved Holga? Do you also happen to love instant photography? Would you love to see these two things together? Well...this is the camera for you, then!
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New Medium Format Pinhole Cameras
written by Lorraine Healy on 2017-10-25 #gearA long-time fan of plastic cameras, Argentinean writer and photographer Lorraine Healy is the author of “Tricks With A Plastic Wonder,” a manual for achieving better results with a Holga camera. In this article, Healy continues on her journey of learning how to use pinhole cameras, looking at a couple of new medium format cameras and a couple of helpful phone apps.
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The Holga 135BC: A Camera Review
written by Lorraine Healy on 2017-09-06 #gearArgentinean Lomographer and author of "Tricks Witha Plastic Wonder" Lorrain Healy shares her honest thoughts about the Holga 135BC.
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The manual Light-leak effect
written by gateau on 2011-03-03 #gear #tutorialsA pure experiment. It is an all-or-nothing tipster. It all began with a small accident...
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Apples and Oranges: Shooting with the Lomo LC-A 120 and the Holga N
written by Lorraine Healy on 2017-02-01 #gearA long-time fan of plastic cameras, Argentinean writer and photographer Lorraine Healy is the author of “Tricks With A Plastic Wonder,” a manual for achieving better results with a Holga camera. In this article, Healy compares the images taken with a Lomo LC-A 120 and a Holga N.
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Kodak Aerochrome: The Colored Infrared Film
written by aprilrich427 on 2012-03-29 #gearKodak Aerochrome is a discontinued film that produces CRAZY results. This review shows my results after testing out using both orange and yellow filters with this film.
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Efe Ersoy: Collecting Colors Through Film Photography
written by shhquiet on 2022-05-24 #people #placesFor Efe Ersoy, film photography filled a void in his creative life. Day by day, he collects colorful stories as he develops a visual style he can call his own.
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Minimalism Captured on Film
written by cheeo on 2018-07-07 #tutorialsLooking for a way to incorporate minimalism into your photographic work? Try your hand at using these elements in your images!
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