Tag: tipster
Advanced Tipster: How to Take Symmetrical Images with Exposing Both Sides of the Film (EBS)
written by hodachrome on 2013-01-14 #gear #tutorialsOne of the most creative Lomographers in our community, @hodachrome, guides us through the step-by-step of a unique technique called EBS ("Exposing Both Sides").
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Making the Most of Kodak Aerochrome
written by lazybuddha on 2011-10-11 #gear #tutorialsSince I published my Aerochrome albums, I have been swamped with questions about various aspects of this incredible film. Several Lomographers have asked me to write an article explaining how to make the most of it, so here it is.
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DIY Rainbow Polka Dot Filters: Pot of Gold Not Included
written by sixsixty on 2012-07-09 #gear #tutorialsAdd some color and design to your photos with these easy-peasy, printable DIY Rainbow Polka Dot Filters. All the steps, tips, and tricks from someone who's made it to the other side of the rainbow.
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A Beginner's Guide to Star Trail Photography
written by blueskyandhardrock on 2011-05-20 #gear #tutorialsLet's call this an overview to the basics of star trail photography for beginners from the pros. These are a short collection of techniques I've read and learned from books and tutorials that I want to share with you.
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Handmade Color Processing
written by stouf on 2010-10-02 #gear #tutorialsHow to process color film at home, in your bathroom.
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Dr. Lab Experiment One: Do the Dishwasher
written by hti on 2010-10-29 #gear #tutorialsDr. Lab. a.k.a. Lomographer hti is here to pick you up from your creative block with this new analogue experiment.
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Tutorial All About How to Properly Scan: From Equipment to Technique
written by ckpj9983 on 2010-06-14 #gear #tutorialsWe all need to somehow scan our photos. This will be a comprehensive guide to scanning - From scanners for every budget to having alternatives to traditional scanning.
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Secrets to a Great Multiple Exposure Revealed!
written by paperplanepilot on 2011-02-19 #gear #tutorialsMultiple exposures or MX is one of the main highlights of Lomography. It's fun, creative and often ends up with amazing results. But it's not just all about pressing your shutter more than once. This guide is filled with guidelines to help you get that perfect MX shot.
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Modifying your LC-A+ to Achieve ISO12
written by renenob on 2011-09-06 #gear #tutorialsIf you prefer to overexpose your ISO400 redscale film by five full stops in your LC-A+, you would want to override your camera's ISO setting to 12. But how? I have got the tipster for you!
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The Great Big Lomography Film Bible: Colour Negative Edition
written by pamelaklaffke on 2010-11-04 #gear #tutorialsSo many films, yet only so much time (and money). Analogue world can be overwhelming at times, but we’re here to help with the first installment of the Lomography Film Bible. We’re kicking things off with a round-up of all kinds of colour negative film.
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Let's 'Cook' the Film: The Recipe of Film Soup!
written by hodachrome on 2013-02-27 #gear #tutorialsEver since the first film soup was 'served', every Lomographer has eagerly made their own recipe and review. In this article, I would like to share my experience with my own secret recipe!
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Multiple Exposures with Flowers!
written by hodachrome on 2012-11-11 #gear #tutorialsThe Multiple Exposure (MX) technique is one method to create some of the most unique photos know to Lomographers! We all love MX, but what are the techniques? Flowers are my favorite subject for MX. I often mix them with landscapes, old factories, trees and so on. Now, let's take a look at how we can create those wonderful images!
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8 Easy but Awesome Beginner Tips
written by nadinadu on 2011-09-16 #gear #tutorialsAnyone who has spent enough time in the Lomo Society will have a faint idea of some popular tricks people like to do which give you great results! So this Tipster is for all the Lomo-Beginners out there!
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Shoot with Redscale in Overcast Weather!
written by hodachrome on 2012-11-12 #gear #tutorialsDo you like overcast weather? I prefer sunny days for going out and shooting films, however, I also do like overcast because it's the best time to shoot with redscale! I love shooting in redscale, and in this article I'll let you in on secrets for how to master shooting in redscale in overcast weather!
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How to Retrieve Film Leader Out of The Canister Without a Film Puller
written by bongofury on 2011-06-21 #gear #tutorialsA handy tip if you want to do double-exposures on the same roll of film, but the film leader/tongue gets inside the canister.
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How to Fix Your Diana Mini's Film Adance Problems on Your Own
written by gnarlyleech on 2010-08-05 #gear #tutorialsHere's a DIY tutorial in fixing one of the most common problems Lomographers encounter with their Diana Mini – a stuck Film Advance.
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Doubling your Fun with Double Exposures: Master the Technique
written by anafaro on 2012-08-31 #gear #tutorialsDouble exposures can create an alternate perception of reality and truly unique results. You can get amazing doubles simply by chance, but you might increase your chances of getting truly satisfying results if you plan a little bit in advance. I'll leave you with my tips for successfully creating double exposures, just after the jump!
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Best Usage of your Films
written by suizidekid on 2013-02-08 #gear #tutorialsA few tips on what films to use and the best conditions to use them.
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How to Load Your Film to Do Double Exposures
written by ripsta on 2011-07-27 #gear #tutorialsHere's very quick and easy tutorial on how to make double exposures on your favorite film camera.
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DIY Glow Sticks From Film Canisters
written by icuresick on 2011-10-24 #gear #tutorialsMost of us, if not all, have accumulated a boxful or two of those empty film canisters after months of being Lomographers. I keep those canisters hoping that someday I can make something out of them. Then, after a failed light painting project, I realized I can make my own light sabers instead of buying another set of disposable glow sticks.
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Multiple Exposures for Beginners
written by carmenism on 2011-02-10 #gear #tutorialsNew to Lomography? Have you been wondering how other people have been able to blend pictures together? With the technique of multiple exposures, that's how!
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Redscale Technique: The Principle of Light Penetrability
written by renenob on 2012-03-05 #gear #tutorialsI do not know if this is a unique idea; if it is, then I am taking my claim to immortality. Introducing, the "Principle of Light Penetrability" by Rene M. Nob.
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Pinhole Rocket: Making a Film Box Panoramic Pinhole Camera
written by lostlittlekid on 2013-01-31 #gear #tutorialsUpdating my previous tipster, I'm going to show you how to turn an otherwise useless film box into a super wide panoramic camera! With exposed sprockets too?!! Go grab a film box now!!!
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Destroying Film to Play with Color
written by crevans27 on 2012-07-23 #gear #tutorialsAdd a bit of excitement to your pictures and take a risk! Read on to find out more about my film destroyer tip, which produced psychedelic results!
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PinHolo - The story of how I made a Pine-Nut Pinhole Camera!
written by francescco on 2011-04-22 #gear #tutorialsWhen I was a student at the Fine Arts Academy in Perugia, I fell in love with stenopeic photography and started gathering every kind of document I could about it and its technical evolution. I asked for some information from my photography teacher, Antonio Todini - He suggested that I search "Pinhole Photography" on the internet and as a way of remembering things said: “Pinhole, it sounds like pinolo (pine nut, in Italian), but with the 'H' after the 'N' and the final 'E'”. Since that moment the little nut planted itself in my mind and grew in the form of a challenge to make my very own pine nut pinhole camera!
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Back to Basics: Film Speed
written by adam_g2000 on 2012-02-10 #gear #tutorialsGetting blurry shots when you shoot inside? Night shots all browny looking or washed out? Got no detail in clouds or snow or on beaches? Get the right film for the job.
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The Ultimate DIY C-41 DevelopingTutorial - Part 1
written by blueskyandhardrock on 2013-03-22 #gear #tutorialsDeveloping color negative photographs at home is actually easier than you think. Just follow Lomographer blueskyandhardrock's concise tutorial and you'll surprise yourself by the achievement you'll unlock afterward.
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Perfectly Exposed, No Batteries Required
written by themindseye on 2013-06-06 #gear #tutorialsNo exposure meter, no batteries, no problem; make perfectly exposed photos with this handy DIY exposure calculator.
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Reload Your Old 126 Films with Fresh 35 mm Film
written by vgzalez on 2011-03-12 #gear #tutorialsIf you finally got a 126 roll, don't stop reloading it with your favorite 35 mm film and use it with your Agfamatic or Kodak Instamatic camera!!
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Click Guide for Diana Mini (53 Photos From a 36 Exposure Roll)
written by renenob on 2011-09-05 #gear #tutorialsAn easy add-on to your Diana Mini to monitor your clicks, and get 53 square frame photos from your typical 36 exposure 135 film. Check it out!
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