Jordanna Kalman: a Matter of Memory


What are photographs if loved ones become strangers in them, if photographs become incomplete relics of memory? New York-based photographer Jordanna Kalman revisits and undoes the photographs she took, stripping each memory away from the print.

Kalman photographs in analogue. Having grown up with a darkroom at her home, it was clear to her that photography was going to be her calling.

© Jordanna Kalman

We humans are walking entities of stories, of emotions, loss and complicated relationships.

Kalman's "Sometimes (memory version)", is a revision, an update of personal history. She removes the figures she took in her old photographs, a representation of how her memories of these people are already fading away, as well as a symbol of her mother's passing -- which now turned into the series "Invisible".

Her oeuvre, however, is not a work of portraiture, or even self-portraiture -- it is an pseudo-diaristic, intimate document of lost faces.

© Jordanna Kalman

Time and memories fade, people and photographs don't. But Kalman reverses the nature of these elements in her photography. It is in Kalman's process, where photography becomes a stream of consciousness.

© Jordanna Kalman

Await for our interview with Jordanna soon. In the meantime, visit her other works on analogue photography in her website.

written by Ciel Hernandez on 2017-02-25 #people #analogue-photography #memory #film-photography #jordanna-kalman


  1. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    did she have a family relation with the late tibor kalman?

  2. morlice
    morlice ·


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