Hello there.
I'm tyty & I work in a library but I'm also a musician who play guitar & a photographer.
I love : Pizza, Free-Jazz, Indie Rock, Asiatic Movies & Beauty everywhere she is ...
Minolta(s), Yashica 230AF and Chinon Bellami are currently my cameras.
- lomo home of the day (lomography international - april 7, 2020).
- photo of the day (lomography international - november 17, 2019) : www.lomography.com/homes/tyty/photos/23722201
- photo of the week (lomography france - august 9, 2019) : www.lomography.com/homes/tyty/photos/23552474
- my instagram : www.instagram.com/almost___nothing
- digital pictures, here : www.instagram.com/abandonedwalls
- my old & dead website : lenket.photographik.free.fr/lenket%20photografik/
Good pictures to all of you !!
My Photos My Albums My Likes
My Albums
Album: a roll a day (#6) : jardins de la fontaine on february 15, 2020.
shared by tyty on 2020-04-02 · 26 Photos 1 385 -
Album: back to school...
shared by tyty on 2020-03-21 · 15 Photos 189 -
Album: a roll a day (#5) : Nîmes on january 21, 2020.
shared by tyty on 2020-02-16 · 27 Photos 330 -
Album: "out of season seaside" (suite...) : Carry-le-Rouet on january 2, 2020.
shared by tyty on 2020-02-01 · 8 Photos 53 -
Album: "out of season seaside" (suite...) : Le Grau-du-Roi on october 4, 2019.
shared by tyty on 2019-12-09 · 6 Photos 79 -
Album: a roll a day (#4) : Le Grau-du-Roi on november 12, 2019.
shared by tyty on 2019-11-23 · 30 Photos 280
My Metas
- Tags:
- analog
- analogphotography
- beach
- believeinfilm
- blur
- broken glass
- ciel
- clouds
- cloudy
- cross processing
- crushed glass
- dump
- déchets
- détritus
- développement croisé
- expired
- expiredfilm
- expiré
- filmisnotdead
- filmphotography
- flou
- grainisgood
- infilmwetrust
- jardins de la fontaine
- junk
- landscape
- mer
- montagnes
- mountains
- mur
- méditerranée
- nuages
- nuageux
- onfilm
- paysage
- plage
- rubbish
- résidus
- sea
- seaside
- shootonfilm
- sky
- tailing
- trash
- verre brisé
- verre pilé
- wall
- waste
- xpro
- ©thierry lenquette
- Cameras:
- #bleu #blue #texture
- Canon EOS3
- Chinon Bellami
- Konica Hexar
- Konica Lexio 70W
- Lomography La Sardina
- Minolta
- Minolta Dynax
- Minolta Dynax 5
- Minolta X-300
- Minolta X-700
- Minolta x-300s
- Minolta x300s
- Nikon FM2
- Rollei 35 S
- Yashica 230 AF
- a Pentax point & shoot (don't remember its name...)
- mosaic #mosaique #lavabo
- Films:
- Fuji 64T Type II (expired 2004)
- Fuji 64T Type II (expired 2006)
- Fuji Provia 100
- Fuji Provia 100F (expired 2007)
- Fuji Provia 400 (expired 2000)
- Fuji Sensia 100 (expired 2007)
- Fuji Velvia 50
- Fuji Velvia 50 (expired 2007)
- Ilford Delta 400
- Ilford HP5 Plus
- Ilford XP2
- Kodak Ektachrome 320T
- Kodak Ektachrome E100
- Kodak Elite Chrome 200 (expired 2012)
- Kodak Elite Chrome 400 (expired 2009)
- Lomography Color Negative 100
- Revolog Volvox
- Rollei RPX 400
- Scotch Chrome 100 (expired 1991)
- kodak elite chrome 160T (expired 2002)