

Hello there.

I'm tyty & I work in a library but I'm also a musician who play guitar & a photographer.
I love : Pizza, Free-Jazz, Indie Rock, Asiatic Movies & Beauty everywhere she is ...

Minolta(s), Yashica 230AF and Chinon Bellami are currently my cameras.

- lomo home of the day (lomography international - april 7, 2020).
- photo of the day (lomography international - november 17, 2019) : www.lomography.com/homes/tyty/photos/23722201
- photo of the week (lomography france - august 9, 2019) : www.lomography.com/homes/tyty/photos/23552474

- my instagram : www.instagram.com/almost___nothing
- digital pictures, here : www.instagram.com/abandonedwalls
- my old & dead website : lenket.photographik.free.fr/lenket%20photografik/

Good pictures to all of you !!

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