"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
My Photos My Albums My Walls My Articles My Notes My Likes
My Albums
Album: LC-A+ #18
shared by sabrina2611 on 2011-07-18 · 34 Photos -
Album: LC-A+ #17
shared by sabrina2611 on 2011-06-20 · 27 Photos -
Album: LC-A+ #16
shared by sabrina2611 on 2011-06-19 · 28 Photos -
Album: LC-A+ #35
shared by sabrina2611 on 2011-06-02 · 39 Photos -
Album: LC-A+ #33
shared by sabrina2611 on 2011-05-24 · 38 Photos -
Album: Mini Polaroids
shared by sabrina2611 on 2011-05-24 · 7 Photos
My Metas
- Tags:
- 100
- 3
- actionsampler
- animals
- bands
- benrath
- benrather
- berlin
- bw
- casting
- city
- cologne
- colorsplash
- concert
- deutschland
- düsseldorf
- ektachrome
- expired
- fisheye
- germany
- kamp
- kirmes
- lc-a
- live
- lomowalk
- london
- music
- mx
- nacht
- nature
- night
- out
- paris
- park
- party
- people
- photokina
- rheinkirmes
- robot
- schloss
- sensia
- show
- stadt
- sw
- the
- trade fair
- uk
- volksgarten
- xpro
- zoo
- Cameras:
- Disderi Robot 3
- Fuji Instax Mini
- Fuji Instax Mini 25
- Holga 120 N
- Lomo LC-A+
- Lomography Diana F+
- Lomography Diana Mini & Flash Half-frame & Square Camera
- Lomography Fisheye No. 2
- Lomography Spinner 360
- Olympus 35RC
- Superheadz Ultra Wide and Slim
- Films:
- Agfa 400 Expired
- Agfa APX
- Agfa CT Precisa 100 (35mm)
- Agfa Vista 200
- Agfa Vista 400
- DM Paradies 400 (35mm)
- Dm Paradies 200 (35mm)
- Fuji Color 100
- Fuji Sensia
- Fuji Sensia 100 (Expired 08/2000)
- Fuji Sensia 200 XPro
- Kodak Ektachrome E200
- Kodak Elitechrome EBX
- Kodak Elitechrome ED
- Lomography Color Negative 800 ISO 35mm
- Lucky SHD 100 (Pushed to 400)
- Müller ISO 400
- Rossmann 400
- dm Paradies 100 Dia
- schlecker 200