The cameras that I use are : Recesky TLR, Pentax P30, Agfa Clack, Agfa Silette, Holga 135BC, 4M Pinhole, and a home-made pinhole camera that I named Chompy.
Also, check out my band (I'm the bassist) : www.youtube.com/user/FavouriteLovers
Auckland/New Zealand
My Photos My Albums My Walls My Likes
My Albums
Album: People Dancing with a Blow Up Doll
shared by odax on 2012-02-19 · 5 Photos -
Album: Dragon
shared by odax on 2012-02-18 · 8 Photos -
Album: AKL
shared by odax on 2012-02-17 · 7 Photos -
Album: 2009 / 2010
shared by odax on 2012-01-27 · 19 Photos -
Album: North Head
shared by odax on 2012-01-21 · 12 Photos -
Album: Everyday
shared by odax on 2012-01-19 · 17 Photos
My Metas
- Tags:
- albert park
- art
- art in the dark
- auckland
- b&w
- bar
- beach
- bird
- black & white
- black and white
- building
- city
- cross process
- dancing
- dark
- delzet
- dog
- drinking
- fireworks
- graffiti
- grass
- happy
- house
- island
- k road
- karangahape
- lights
- night
- ocean
- papillon
- papillon dog
- party
- people
- person
- ponsonby
- portrait
- puppy
- red
- red scale
- redscale
- sea
- shae
- sky
- summer
- tiritiri matangi
- tree
- trees
- western park
- x-pro
- xpro
- Cameras:
- Agfa Silette Pronto
- Holga 135 BC
- Lomography Diana Mini & Flash Half-frame & Square Camera
- Pentax P30N / P3N
- Pinhole
- Recesky 3D Twin Lens camera
- Recesky Tlr