

I am: a photographer with a design background as much as I am
a designer with a photographic eye.

…I love tackling deadlines:
I´m an adrenaline junky
never drinking coffee.

I have Facebook 154 friends,
over a thousand Gmail contacts,
a very neglected LinkedIn profile,
…and nine analogue friends I’d give my life for in real life.

The first thing I ever said sounded like mhuhmbbe
Since then, my vocabulary has expanded into 5 languages.
I’ve travelled 18.7% of the world.
I own 37 pairs of shoes, and my eyes change colour depending on the mood I’m in.

I don’t know what I´ll be when I grow up, but I know what I’d like to do now:

Dissecting the actual to seduce the imaginary: Because
History gives me goosebumps,
people make me wonder,
cities drive me wild,
music takes me places,
and silence is my noise.