Graphic artist, painter, traveller and amateur photographer. --
My sketchbook blog: --
My photo dump (also digital stuff) is on Flickr: . Newbie of the week interview:…
My Photos My Albums My Notes My Likes
My Albums
Album: Winter wonderland
shared by mnella on 2015-01-09 · 9 Photos 145 -
Album: lomo'instant tests
shared by mnella on 2015-01-03 · 7 Photos 1 48 -
Album: November Snaps 1
shared by mnella on 2014-11-13 · 24 Photos 333 -
Album: CineStill Tungsten 800 Test Roll
shared by mnella on 2014-11-13 · 29 Photos 543 -
Album: October snaps - roll filler
shared by mnella on 2014-10-30 · 4 Photos 46 -
Album: October snaps 3
shared by mnella on 2014-10-14 · 24 Photos 285
My Metas
- Tags:
- 120mm
- 35mm
- 85b
- asia
- autumn
- california
- cinestill
- city
- crete
- egypt
- expired
- fall
- fog
- frost
- greece
- harbour
- helsinki
- herringmarket
- indonesia
- italy
- japan
- landscape
- leaves
- light
- lowlight
- mediterranean
- mountains
- nature
- petzval
- prague
- premiumglasslens
- russia
- sea
- sinai
- singapore
- slide
- snow
- spring
- st-petersburg
- stream
- summer
- sun
- test
- thailand
- trees
- tungsten
- usa
- veneto
- venice
- winter
- Cameras:
- Canon AE-1 Program
- Canon EOS 1N
- Konica Disposable Waterproof Camera
- Leica AF-C1
- Leica Z2X
- Lomo LC-A
- Lomo LC-A+
- Lomo Lubitel 166+
- Lomo'Instant
- Lomography Diana F+
- Olympus MJU II
- Olympus Trip 35
- Rollei 35
- Voigtländer Vito B
- Films:
- Agfa CT Precisa 100 (35mm)
- Cinestill 800 ISO Tungsten Xpro C-41
- Fuji Superia
- Fuji Superia 100
- Fuji Superia 200 (35mm)
- Fuji Superia 400 (35mm)
- Fuji Superia X-Tra 400
- Ilford HP5
- Kodak Ektar 100
- Kodak Gold 200 (35mm)
- Kodak Kodachrome
- Kodak Kodachrome 200
- Kodak T-Max 400
- Kodak Tri-X
- Kodak Ultramax 400 (35mm)
- Kodak X-TRA 400
- Kodak portra 400 VC (35mm)
- Lomography Color Negative 400 (120)
- Lomography Color Negative 400 (35mm)
- Lomography Color Negative 800 (120)
- Countries:
- Canada
- Czech Republic
- Egypt
- Finland
- France
- Greece
- Indonesia
- Italy
- Japan
- Malaysia
- Russia
- Singapore
- Sri Lanka
- Thailand
- United States