Follow me on Instagram as @photogodzilla
Filmmaker & Photographer from Framingham, MA (just outside of Boston). I live in Hawaii on the west side of the Island of Maui and I love it. I've worked with some amazing people and studied under GQ's own Ben Ferrari. I even worked as a Luau photographer for a year here in Maui.
I just wrapped my directorial debut, Jungle Girl, shot entirely on the Lomokino on Lomography film.
“Where Have All the Pay Phones Gone?” is my photographic philosophy. It’s a calling to use old ways and analogue techniques to create more artistic images. The Pay Phones reference came about when I was location scouting for the movie, “Unicorns,” and we were tasked to find a mom & pop gas station with a pay phone. This task, like shooting on film, became more difficult than anyone thought, simply because there aren’t as many pay phones, mom & pop gas stations or people shooting on film as there used to be. Analogue photography was becoming a dying art for a while until groups of stubborn photographers demanded the artistic qualities of film survive for future generations of beautiful photography on film.
Holding a freshly printed instant photo in your hand is like getting a big warm hug from the camera. WHATPPG is about nailing it in camera. If you’ll want your final image orange, use an orange filter. You will never get the same image quality with a post-production filter, it’s just not possible, and for those of us who know the difference, it still matters.
I use a wide array of cameras, film stocks, filters, and techniques to highlight the beauty in the nuances of every scene as each different camera and medium captures it.
Pay Phones is digital photography as well. It’s carrying around filter wallets with every color in the spectrum. It’s stacking filters for natural vignettes. It’s taking the extra time to produce a more final image in camera. It’s slowing down & shooting more like film.
Where Have All the Pay Phones Gone? is my constant search to capture dying traditions using tried and tested methods in direct collaboration with new digital techniques.
Lahaina/United States
My Photos My Albums My Movies My Likes
My Albums
Album: Burning Man 2013 Cargo Cult Instant Photos
shared by davekupferberg on 2013-10-14 · 39 Photos 24 -
Album: Diana Instant Hawaii Part 2
shared by davekupferberg on 2012-07-31 · 55 Photos 89 -
Album: Polomad Self-Portait Project Submissions
shared by davekupferberg on 2012-06-24 · 16 Photos 63 -
Album: Electra Glide in Pink
shared by davekupferberg on 2012-05-22 · 33 Photos 1 96 -
Album: Costume Party at the Pirate Ship
shared by davekupferberg on 2012-05-04 · 49 Photos 53 -
Album: Unicorns Diana Instant Photos at the Tribeca Film Festival
shared by davekupferberg on 2012-05-02 · 68 Photos 29
My Metas
- Tags:
- 2013
- beach
- black
- bunnies
- burning
- burningman
- burningman2013
- cargo
- cargocult
- city
- color
- costume
- county
- cult
- fair
- festival
- film
- filter
- flash
- fun
- gel
- girl
- hawaii
- instant
- jungle
- junglegirl
- kite
- kitesurfing
- man
- maui
- movie
- multilens
- nyc
- party
- photography
- polaroid
- props
- ring
- ringflash
- rock
- set
- setphotos
- setphtotography
- softtone
- spectra
- surfing
- tribeca
- tribecafilmfestival
- unicorns
- weird
- Cameras:
- Fuji Instax 200
- Fuji Instax Mini 8
- Horizon Perfekt
- Lomo LC-A+
- LomoKino
- Lomography Actionsampler Flash
- Lomography Diana F+
- Lomography Diana F+ Instant Back (Accessories)
- Lomography Oktomat
- Lomography Pop 9
- Lomography Supersampler
- Olympus OM-1
- Option8 Custom Polaroid 4x5 Conversion
- Polaroid 680 SLR
- Polaroid Macro 5
- Polaroid Onestep Ultra
- Polaroid SLR 680
- Polaroid SX-70
- Polaroid Spectra Pro
- Reef Master SL201
- Films:
- Lomography X Tungsten 64 35mm
- FUJI Superia 1600
- Fuji FP100C
- Fuji Instax Mini
- Fuji Instax Wide
- Fuji Provia
- Fuji Superia 200 (35mm)
- Impossible PX 600 Color
- Impossible PX 600 Silver Shade
- Impossible PZ Color
- Kodak Gold 200 (35mm)
- Kodak Gold 400 (35mm)
- Kodak Gold MAX 800 (35mm)
- Lomography Color Negative 100
- Lomography Color Negative 400 (35mm)
- Lomography Redscale XR 50-200 35mm
- Lomography XPro 200 ISO 35mm
- Polaroid Spectra
- Polaroid Spectra Softtone
- impossible px-70