1. troch
    troch ·

    I love the vintage look of this album!!

  2. txr53
    txr53 ·

    @troch Many thanks, I love the old soviet films.But often they cause surprises and not always good. Thanks again.

  3. neufotomacher
    neufotomacher ·

    Agree with @troch and I would find it different to see an Irish tavern in Spain, though I have never been to Spain. Are Soviet films hard to get?

  4. txr53
    txr53 ·

    @troch @neufotomacher Hello, in Spain there are many Irish taverns, especially in the big cities and also on the Mediterranean coast because there are many British tourists. There they can drink and eat the most typical of their country. Especially beer.
    The old Soviet films can be bought online on Ebay but it is more complicated and expensive.

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