

I have a Diana F+ Dreamer. its a beautiful camera that makes me smile.

i did have 3 rolls of film that i was excitedly waiting to process. however due to a string of unfortunate events i lost them (by lost them i mean i threw them at my ex boyfriends head) consequently i am now back to being filmless and photoless. but not for much longer. i intend to analog the shit out of my heartbreak, and find new adventures, and journeys. im secretly hoping that the Diana will force me out of my comfort zone and make me go in search of new things. fingers crossed anyway!

other than that im 24, i live near to Liverpool. i love everything from the 1960s, kinder eggs, dress making, knitting, dancing, glitter and sequins, my fringe, people who make me laugh, bright blue sky, and hazy twilight, drinking tea, pyjamas, music, guitars, travelling, rummaging for vintage clothes, football, teacups, Paris, macaroons, and my bed.


My Albums