Dream Date


Chinese Zodiac Sign is popular in Chinese.
Different year of birth represents a different animal.
There are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig.
My Chinese Zodiac Sign is Monkey,
My girlfriend’s is Pig.
We decided to dress up to spend on behalf of animals to be going to have our date.

Credits: jimmyhido

1. 25Euros: Buy 2 big styrofoams and carve them to be Monkey & Pig.
2. 15Euros: Buy buy gauze, white glue, paint, brush.
3. 75Euros: Rent an open car. My cat is too small to drive with two big animal heads.
4.100Euros:The best place for Monkey & Pig is Alishan. Alishan is most famous attractions in Taiwan.
We’ll eat mountain food,see the sunrise,take Alishan train,and stay Alishan hotel.
5. 35Euros:Don’t forget, also need to take plenty of film to record appointments Monkeys and Pig.

written by jimmyhido on 2011-08-17

One Comment

  1. ewen
    ewen ·

    Interesting post :)