Tag: fashion photography
Redefining Queer and Trans Portraiture with Carson Stachura
written by eloffreno on 2022-08-03 #peopleCarson Stachura is a nonbinary student based in New York City. They use analogue photography as a means of expressing their identity as well as a reflection on the portrayal of queer/trans people in photography. We interviewed them about their interests, techniques, and love for Lomography.
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Filmic Portraits: an Interview with Duran Levinson
written by Ciel Hernandez on 2017-02-05 #peopleBeing greatly inspired by both African and Asian culture, the Cape-Town based photographer Duran Levinson generously spills out his secrets on a successful and professional analogue photography career in his dichotomous oeuvre between fashion and documentary.
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Kelly Ferreira: A Color Extravaganza On Film
written by shhquiet on 2021-09-09 #peopleKelly Ferreira, a fashion photographer in the making, shares her love for color through these analogue photographs.
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Film Forward: Photography by Pawel Szvmanski
2019-05-16 #peopleLomographer Pawel Szvmanski, a.k.a. kindmess, takes his portraiture ahead with exquisite shots taken in medium format, creating the rare seamlessness found in digital while maintaining the quirky qualities of film.
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Of Fashion Photography and the Happiness Within — an Interview with Aaron Crossman
written by cheeo on 2019-12-12 #culture #peopleLoving what you do and doing it out of love is probably one of the best combinations out there. Fashion photographer Aaron Crossman is living the charmed life for being able to do both. Read on to find out more about him and why he loves his work in this interview.
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Teresa Stephanie: An Interview on Contemporary Fashion Portraiture in Film
2018-08-19 #peopleFashion photographer Teresa Stephanie is bringing back the use of analogue film in the profession stage of photography with her quirky palette and dazzling portraiture.
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Alessandro Michelazzi's "Dapper Portraits" with the Lomo'Instant
2017-01-25 #gear #peopleA Florence-based lifestyle photographer shot the most fashionable men in the city with a Lomo'Instant camera.
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The Many Faces of Fashion Photography
2016-03-08Fashion photography would be a huge account if anyone were to make an inventory of all the photographs in the world. Unlike the fashion industry, the trends for fashion photography do not change as frequently as the season showcases. Here we list timeless approaches to shooting style—beautiful women included, of course.
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William Klein: Yes at ICP Is Focusing on a Lifetime of Iconic Work
written by eloffreno on 2022-07-19 #culture #peopleAmerican-born French photographer and filmmaker, William Klein, is having a retrospective exhibition of his life's work. William Klein: Yes at ICP is running from June 3 through September 12, 2022. It is the first extensive collection of Klein's work to be exhibited in the U.S. in over a generation.
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Harajuku Fashion Maverick: An Interview with Maya Kibbel
written by Ciel Hernandez on 2016-09-29 #people'Cute' and 'sexy', both polarizing characteristics in fashion are crossed in the photography of Maya Kibbel. Soft but edgy, strong yet toned, how she tries to break standards of Japanese fashion photography may just be her destiny as an artist.
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Preparation and Planning in Portraiture with Rob Hawthorn
2022-08-10 #gear #peoplePortrait photographer Rob Hawthorn tested out the LomoChrome Metropolis and Berlin Kino B&W 120 films on a recent photoshoot in London. He talked to us about shooting lucid portraits with film and shared some tips for being prepared.
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First Impressions of the New Lomography 58 Bokeh Control Lens: Emily Soto
written by Jill Tan Radovan on 2015-08-07 #peopleEmily Soto is a New York City-based fashion and fine art photographer. With Canon 5D Mark III and Canon EOS cameras, she took photos with the Lomography 58 Bokeh Control Lens, producing a series of beautiful images that are reminiscent of renaissance portraits. She talks about the experience and the concept behind her photos in this exclusive interview.
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Fashion Editorials with the Daguerreotype Achromat 2.9/64 Art Lens: Photos by Gianluca David
written by melissaperitore on 2022-06-17 #gearPhotographer Gianluca David shares his new portrait series created in collaboration with Complit and shot with the Daguerreotype Achromat 2.9/64 Art Lens. See the beautiful bokeh effects obtained thanks to the aperture plates of this artistic lens.
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L’instantané and the Photographer DNA: An Interview with Arnaud Ele
written by Ciel Hernandez on 2019-07-22 #peopleCameroon-born photographer Arnaud Ele goes against the grain and to set his own trends on the fashion photography industry with his own analogue flare.
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Monday Moodboard: Street Fashion Therapy
2017-09-18 #cultureMonday's here again. Here's a tip to force yourself out of the weekday rut: how about starting the grind wearing your favorite get-up? Fake it 'til you make it with that swagger and you'll be cruising the days to Friday in no time. Here's this week's inspirational Monday Moodboard.
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Duran Levinson: Africa and Asia in the Contemporary Times
written by Ciel Hernandez on 2017-01-21 #culture #peopleWhen one only knows and experiences one part of the world, he creates an echo chamber for himself. We've heard about the urban lifestyle and modern living in America and Europe, but how about in other places? Cape Town-based photographer Duran Levinson seeks them out in Asia and Africa.
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Fashion Photography on Film: Workshop With La Clandestina de Poblenou and Lomography Cameras
written by ludovicazen on 2023-12-11 #gear #peopleThis past month we collaborated with La Clandestina de Poblenou and photographer Marta Pilotto for a fashion photography workshop. Participants had the opportunity to explore the analogue world with a mix of experimental Lomography cameras and film.
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Inside the Pet Wardrobe: Dressed-Up Portraits
2017-01-14 #cultureIn celebration of "National Dress Up Your Pet Day", we curate the most memorably dressed pets of our dear Lomographers in a little tribute.
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Monday Moodboard: In Vogue
2016-08-29 #cultureSuit up, dress up, pick your favorite pearls or LBD and start the week in your utmost fabulous fashion.
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In the Studio with Mathilde Levistre and the Lomo'Instant Wide Glass
written by alexa_alexiades on 2024-11-07 #gear #peopleWorking with a variety of models and lighting conditions, French fashion photographer Mathilde Levistre joins us to share her first impressions of the new Lomo'Instant Wide Glass.
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Lomo'Instant LomoAmigo:Jorgen Axelvall
written by ciscoswank on 2014-11-28 #peopleEach person sees the world differently. How we see things are affected by our feelings, characteristics, and background. Jorgen Axelvall, a Swedish visual artist and photographer who is currently based in Tokyo, captures through photographs what his creative vision sees. He recreated his world, even with card-sized instant photos. Catch a glimpse of his moody yet tasteful pieces.
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