
Lago di molveno e dintorni, 2015. Ho trovato questa pellicola in un bazaar cinese, è marchiata come Kodak Gold 200, ma presentava molti graffi ancor prima di essere scattata e anche il contenitore metallico è di "seconda scelta", con ammaccature graffi e tracce di ruggine. Mah... Ad ogni modo apprezzo i toni freddi che sono apparsi in alcune situazioni. Ha una generale tendenza all'azzurro/viola molto particolare. Le stampe sono pessime, ma un'attenta scansione fornisce buoni risultati. --- Molveno lake and surroundings, 2015. I found this film in a Chinese bazaar. The film is named Kodak Gold 200, but it showed scratches evan before shooting and the aluminium container had scratches, dents and even some spots of rust. Anyway I really appreciated the cold cues with a general blue/purplish tone. The prints were awful but an accurate scanning gives nice results.


  1. cabreb
    cabreb ·

    @lomo_analogue_film Nope, I was asking about the perfectly circular flare on some lomo'instant automat glass pictures I see from other users: I'd like to buy that camera but was worried about that flare. I asked lomography about it and they told me it was a production problem, now fixed!

    The flare in this picture is due to the sun diffusing on the glass I was shooting through! :)

  2. cabreb
    cabreb ·

    @lomo_analogue_film thanks! Yeah, it was unexpected but I like it too! 😄

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