My friend Kara

One day I decided to do doubles with myself. Forgot to adjust the ISO setting to a higher stop ( or should be 400 in this case) and I don't know what happened but my first layer are not even showing up in most of the shots ha! Oh man...but anyways...that's how it goes sometimes :)


  1. cc-in-paris
    cc-in-paris ·

    these don't look so bad... pretty cool, actually!

  2. vici
    vici ·

    ya know....for my first album with the LCA+, I used 100 film and did that whole exposure compensation thing for the doubles and none of them turned out. The next roll of 100 film, I ignored the exposure, and shot doubles freely with rating at 100, and they turned out very well. Go figure.

  3. b0rn2b1ush
    b0rn2b1ush ·

    i completely mess up with the ISO settings too, sometimes intentionally just to see what results i get. you have some nice pics here, grazie... cheerio!

  4. rene4
    rene4 ·

    great album! I love the colors! ^.^

  5. ivan_the_terrible
    ivan_the_terrible ·

    Woah. Beautiful

  6. radiocarroty
    radiocarroty ·


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