Zorki 4K // Kodak Ektachrome Tungsten 160 (expired 2006) - Spring And Summer 2015

Zorki 4K // Kodak Ektachrome Tungsten 160 (expired 2006) - exposed at Iso 100 - Spring And Summer 2015


  1. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    Beautiful low light

  2. koduckgirl
    koduckgirl ·

    Very cool sewing machine so 2001 a space Odyssey!Cheers and thanx for the recent visits and likes too as always

  3. neneohcs
    neneohcs ·

    Das ist ein geniales Foto!

  4. steamtug1959
    steamtug1959 ·

    Super !!!!!

  5. peterpan61
    peterpan61 ·

    Gratulation (-:

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