Lens filters

Unlock a new layer to your photography practice by adding lens filters to your camera collection. Not sure where to start and want to know which filters would integrate best into your practice? Browse through our guide and learn about their different features, characteristics, and uses.

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  • Why do photographers use lens filters?

    Why do photographers use lens filters?

    Lens filters mainly serve two purposes: to physically protect your camera’s lens and to give you control over the light entering through it – whether that be through light intensity, colors, shapes, etc.

  • What are the most common types of lens filters?

    What are the most common types of lens filters?

    UV filters, ND filters, Polarizers, and Color Correcting filters are tools that all serve their own unique purposes and can help to elevate one’s photography practice.

  • Why are color filters sometimes used for black and white photography?

    Why are color filters sometimes used for black and white photography?

    In black and white photography color filters have the ability to increase contrast in your image, reduce the amount of light hitting your film, and slightly modify certain aspects of the image to adapt to weather conditions.

  • What is an ND filter used for?

    What is an ND filter used for?

    Neutral-Density filters, also known as ND filters, are lens accessories used to control the amount of light coming through your camera lens.