Triple with Painting, Girl & Distant Lights

Finally, a triple exposure that came out the way I planned it. Very happy about this one. It is a painting of my late uncle Rene Fendt and the beautiful Duyan overlooking lake Zurich on a calm morning (POTD China September 2nd 2017)


  1. montagu
    montagu ·

    @marcomaestro I will most certainly do so:)

  2. troch
    troch ·

    You have every right to be proud of this. Congratulations!

  3. montagu
    montagu ·

    @troch thanks:) one of my personal favorites of my 4x5 exploits. If only shot about 30 pictures in total so far

  4. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    wow large format (y) how much the frame you got in one roll film? I have my grandparent's large format cliche and it's size bigger than 3R postcard photo

  5. montagu
    montagu ·

    @hervinsyah not roll film, sheet film... Kodak's usually come in boxes of 10 pictures, Fuji's usually 20 per box. Then pre-load the pics in dark-slides and use at will, 2 exposures on each dark-slide, one front and one back. Yes, 4x5 is about the size of a postcard, I love it

  6. montagu
    montagu ·

    @denizberkin, @haydn, @michel4367, @analogvision, @alinerunge, @raab_ar-baar, @jakkr, @kasanji, @heyfrida, @ekeupratama, @nosya78, @hervinsyah, @danielawoolf, @jazztrio2014, @josa, @andreaspsaltis, @great-eventually, @fragakis_p, @jthomas, @renata_duan, @bang810, @oldstandby, @mloscik, @yuhki_taguchi, @enial, @thatsmyleelee, @etienne_despois, @angusinshetland, @sarahholden92, @zii, @bravopires, @mors_sulum, @wjmalonejr, @srcardoso, @dermanu, @lofnikolas, @jeftelopez, @lfelipealarcon, @stolosapo, @amsiglela_yallehei, @spector, @soft-focus, @docsavage, @thobie, @aka_papu, @dr_dorokhov, @xenia800, @duque, @brunoandreoli, @troch, @pierredeschamps, @lomodesbro, @ruifcpinto, @rik041, @dspvm, @crvelasquez3, @zulupt, @binoue, @primula, @aprilcocel, @tomczykd, @nessythemonster, @mlchaelbexley, @wildholzkamera, @neja, @fruchtzwerg_hh, @setii, @crosschannel, @mjanekerr, @juhovychod, @yulia_adamova, @gheinz, @zezia, @cmart, @an4, @merveebasturk, @juniardigiugno, @robertofiuza, @yolomano, @rqlevy, @oleman, @liaye, @righthandside, @aronne, @cedricpola, @disdis, @marcomaestro, @nick79, @films, @antmark, @kritsalos, @steamtug1959, @newmandrew, @frenchyfyl, @patataryk, @narky, @matricariae, @fuckdaniels, @brine, @chippo, @ilcontrariodime, @mtsteve, @kashmir2209, @duffman, @sierravictor, @schwarzesauge, @stillgray, @dupdupdee, @metaluna, @-dakota-, @wil6ka, @theblues, @crazy_little_red_riding_hood & @klawe Thanks for the likes and the generous Lomo-love over the last few weeks, much obliged!

  7. fragakis_p
    fragakis_p ·

    @montagu you are welcome! Great work again!

  8. annalisa-gaeta87
    annalisa-gaeta87 ·


  9. montagu
    montagu ·

    @annalisa-gaeta87 thank you:)

  10. crismiranda
    crismiranda ·

    A M A Z I N G! Well done!

  11. montagu
    montagu ·

    @crismiranda thanks Cris

  12. arastricker
    arastricker ·

    wow amazing

  13. montagu
    montagu ·

    @arastricker Thank you Ara!

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