Lomopedia: AgfaPhoto CT Precisa 100


In this edition of Lomopedia, we're tackling another slide film favorite – the AgfaPhoto CT Precisa 100. Going through its tag on the Lomography website, there's no doubt it was one of the most well-loved film stocks by Lomographers who especially enjoyed cross-processing films to come up with saturated, grainy and out of this world shots.

Credits: coca, neja, panelomo & iantheman

There were a few versions of the AgfaPhoto CT Precisa 100. The versions that solidified their place among film shooters were the original version, and a new one which sprung up after the collapse of the Agfa company that initially manufactured the stock up until 2005. After said collapse, the manufacturing rights were sold and eventually the stock became available to the masses again. Production for this version eventually stopped in 2010.

The latest iteration of the stock was sold until 2018 under the name AgfaPhoto CT100 Precisa. In this 2012 review of the film stock in the magazine, community member M23 observed the difference between the old and new AgfaPhoto CT Precisa 100, namely that the latter version of the stock produced distinct green-tinted images when cross-processed, compared to its predecessor which yielded more major color shifts.

Credits: james_taylor, 87lomotempura, lola_juanlu, endorphin & frenchyfyl

Cross-processing the Agfa resulted in some of the most vibrant, unique and creative photos shared by our community members on their LomoHomes. Since it's rated at ISO 100, the AgfaPhoto CT Precisa 100 is best for outdoor shoots with the sun out.

But even without cross-processing, the AgfaPhoto CT Precisa 100 produced sharp and vivid colors. Skin tones looked natural and images retained a lot of detail, making this film stock one of the most accessible and favored slide films for consumers during its heyday, and of course, much missed after its discontinuation.

Credits: sandravo, purepaty & dudizm

Information for this article was sourced from lomography.com, kosmofoto.com and carlosgrphoto.com.

Do you have a favorite photo taken with the AgfaPhoto CT Precisa 100? Share it with us below!

written by sylvann on 2024-01-11 #gear #culture #agfa #cross-processing #agfaphoto-ct-precisa-100 #lomopedia


  1. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    Bought 10 roll of this precious slide film at @kuryzu with special lomofriend price 🤭 regret I did don't think just shoot at the last roll of it 😭

  2. milchtrinken
    milchtrinken ·

    Oh, I miss being able to shoot Agfa CT Precisa very much. It was such an awesome film stock!
    One of my favorite pictures I have taken with Agfa CT Precisa is this one: www.lomography.com/homes/milchtrinken/photos/25831553

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