19th Century Fashion With Isabel Malia and the Diana Instant Square

Isabel Malia is a New York-based photographer with a knack for shooting photos that bring vintage items back to life in a contemporary setting. Previously featured for her Industrial Landscapes and her work using a 100-year-old camera, she's back with us today to show her recent project focusing on 19th century wardrobes using the Diana Instant Square Deluxe Kit.

Photos by Isabel Malia

Hi Isabel, welcome back to Lomography Magazine! Can you tell us what you've been up to since your last feature?

Last time we chatted a little bit about the restoration process for a 100-year-old camera, now we move onto a 100-year-old wardrobe! I’ve been experimenting with genuine 19th century dresses as well as some remakes of these styles!

Can you tell us about the concept behind your shoot with the Diana Instant Square?

I was going for that dramatic shadow lighting in my apartment, paired with some old clothing provided by my model Astraea. I’ve been very inspired by baroque paintings and I've been spending a lot of time in the MET museum lately for inspiration.

Did you make use of any of the camera's accessories?

We used the 110 mm soft telephoto lens! Since we were shooting in my tiny NYC apartment, we needed to make sure to make the space look larger than it is.

Photo by Isabel Malia

Do you have a favorite shot taken with this camera?

Yes, this shot is my favorite because it looks like a Jane Austen cover.

Who would you recommend this camera to?

The Diana Instant Square is great for camera enthusiasts! It has a playful feel of a toy camera while having the versatility of a standard camera via interchangeable lenses, viewfinders, and flash customization!

Photos by Isabel Malia

Can you share any upcoming projects or works with us?

I’ve been working on this renaissance/baroque theme style of photography that allows me to experiment with lighting and mood in a way i’ve never captured before.

What's your final impression of shooting with the Diana Instant Square?

I really like the style and how customizable it is! It is like an all-in-one camera that will fit whatever mood or space I want to shoot.

To keep up with Isabel's work, don't forget to check out her Instagram, Twitter, and website!

written by eloffreno on 2023-04-22 #gear #people #vintage #historic #renaissance #baroque #diana-instant-square

Mentioned Product

Diana Instant Square

Diana Instant Square

Shake off expectations and let the Diana Instant Square fill your frame with unpredictable beauty. There’s no re-take, no post-production polishing — you snap the shot and seconds later you hold a beautiful picture filled with strong, saturated colors and soft, moody vignetting in your hands.

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