Touring with Charlotte Rose Benjamin and the Simple Use Camera

Charlotte Rose Benjamin is an indie musician based in New York City who just wrapped up her most recent tour. She documented the tour in a photo diary using the Simple Use Camera.

Photos taken by Charlotte Rose Benjamin with the Simple Use Camera

Hi Charlotte, welcome to Lomography Magazine! Can you tell us about yourself and your music?

Hi! Thank you for having me. My name is Charlotte Rose Benjamin, I make confessional indie rock music under my own name with my four-piece band and I am based in New York City.

Can you tell us about your most recent tour?

We went on tour with Langhorne Slim. I’ve been a fan of their music since I was in high school, so getting to tour with them while traveling with my best friends was very surreal.

Photos taken by Charlotte Rose Benjamin with the Simple Use Camera

Tell us about your photo diary. What did you choose to shoot?

Mostly pictures of my band and I in green rooms before the shows. I tried to use the bit of downtime we had between soundcheck and showtime to take photos.

How did you find the process of taking the Single Use Camera with you on tour?

So easy and fun! As someone who has little to no experience with film photography, it's so fun to see how dreamy they came out. Definitely worth the wait.

Photos taken by Charlotte Rose Benjamin with the Simple Use Camera

Do you have a favorite photo that you took with your Single Use Camera? Is there a story behind it?

I love the one of [my guitar player] Nardo changing the tire. That was the first of three times that tire went flat throughout the tour!

Do you have any upcoming projects or shows that you can tell us about?

I am in the very early stages of working on writing and producing new music now! Hopefully I will have something to share soon, keep your eyes peeled.

To keep up with Charlotte Rose Benjamin and her music don't forget to check out her Instagram and website!

written by eloffreno on 2022-12-14 #gear #culture #people #music #new-york #usa #lomography-simple-use-camera

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