Sunlit in Radio Street—Photos by @raintoday


"Photography is the art of both light and love," community member @raintoday indicates in his LomoHome profile. It's easy to see in his photographs, particularly in this photo set taken in Radio Street in Guiyang, China.

Credits: raintoday

@raintoday captures casual street snaps, travel and event shots, and pet photos in natural lighting. The album Dan with Radio Street (Guiyang Pt.4) consists of simple portraits taken in the golden hour, featuring a lovely muse in a striking red dress, complementing and contrasting the surroundings. While these were taken in just one area, the photographer was able to come up with a variety of beautiful photos by shooting from different angles and getting creative with his use of sunlight.

Credits: raintoday

Visit @raintoday's LomoHome to see more photos!

written by shhquiet on 2021-09-23


  1. raintoday
    raintoday ·

    Thanks for sharing! Actually, I want to use photos as a method to introduce my hometown to all of you. So welcome to China and my hometown Guiyang! 😘

  2. montagu
    montagu ·

    @raintoday 酸酸辣辣的贵州菜

  3. raintoday
    raintoday ·

    @montagu Yes!欢迎来多彩贵州!

  4. leisuresuit
    leisuresuit ·

    Great writeup and photos!

  5. raintoday
    raintoday ·

    @leisuresuit Thank you so much!

  6. charlie_cat
    charlie_cat ·

    Love these!

  7. raintoday
    raintoday ·

    @charlie_cat Thanks!

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