Lomography Partners: Café Analóg of Budapest, Hungary
15 Share TweetCome one, come all. Lomography has partners all over the world to help serve your analogue needs. If you're from Hungary then it's your lucky day! We're featuring our Budapest-based stockist Anett of Café Analóg in today's installment of Lomography Partners.
Can you introduce yourself to the Lomography community?
We are the owners of Café Analóg in Budapest and we're also running an analogue photo lab. We've been in love with Lomography for more than 13 years, and since then, we are enthusiastic users of all Lomography cameras and films.
What does analogue mean to you?
It's basically using a very old technique to preserve moments in the present and it still fascinates me. Spending hours in the darkroom and seeing how the image appears on photo paper—they're the most relaxing and magical moments.
What does Lomography mean to you?
The reemergence or revival of analogue photography. To me, Lomography was a tool that turned old-fashioned film photography into a new and creative way of shooting film.
Why do you choose to work with Lomography?
Because it made photography easier to understand and introduced so many new, and innovative ways in this field.
What is your favorite Lomography product and why?
It has to be the Spinner 360 because it is really a one-of-a-kind camera. We also had so many great projects with it through the years.
Are you doing any creative projects right now in the store or personally? Please tell us more about them.
We are working on printing negatives onto different surfaces like walls, wooden panels, etc, and we are also trying on old techniques like cyanotypes. Nowadays, as soon as we have some spare time, we run straight to the darkroom because working on the final steps is just as exciting as making the picture itself.
What does the future of analogue photography look like to you? How will this impact your store in the next ten years?
Wow, now that's a hard question. If film can stay in the form it is now, (I'm a bit worried about the different environmental issues regarding the chemicals we use for developing) then I guess it will be way more popular. People are focusing more and more on slowing down, and analogue photography is the best way to really be present at the
moment and think things over.
What hardship did your shop/lab have to face during the lockdowns and what kept you going through these hard times?
Like many businesses, we had to close for periods of time and it was very hard to organize and manage the situation while trying to decide responsibly. However, it was truly amazing how our customers supported us during those times.
I think what kept our mind clear was our lab. During all the lockdowns, we were constantly working in our darkroom as customers kept sending us films to develop. It was a great feeling. It helped us see the light at the end of the tunnel. :)
Quick Questions
What's the most annoying thing about running an analogue lab?
It has to be explaining to people why do they only have 32 pictures on a roll of 36-exposure film.
What's your favorite memory from the lab so far?
Scanning glass negatives from WW1 and seeing the face of the owner when he got it.
What's the weirdest thing you have received when developing films?
Finding a roll of an undeveloped film in a toy camera. We processed it—it was an old birthday party for two dogs. With cake and everything.
What would you do if you didn’t run a photo lab?
I think we would have closed down our shop by now. For us, it is essential to provide film services along with selling the products. I think they don't exist without each other.
Vital Information
Official Name: Café Analóg
Began Accepting Film for Developing: 2012
Address: Budapest, Kazinczy u. 35, 1075 Hungary
Services offered: 35 mm, 120, 4x5, Super8, 16 mm, large-format, C41, B&W, E6, hand developing, B&W reversal, ECN-2, film, and camera sales
Film lab staff: 6
Want to see your favorite store featured in our magazine? Please send us an email at wholesaleinquiries@lomography.com and we will check them out!
written by cheeo on 2021-08-09 #people #places #partners #budapest #film-lab #cafe-analog #stockists #lomography-partners
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