LomoChrome Metropolis XR 100–400: Masterful Pictorialism with Brian Bruno


Brian Bruno is a Philidelphia-based film photographer who creates images in a very natural and organic way. In this article, he tells us his thoughts about our newest film, the LomoChrome Metropolis XR 100–400, as he tested it in a photo session with the stunning Audrey Kitching.

Brian Bruno and Audrey Kitching with the new LomoChrome Metropolis Film

Hi Brian! Could you give us a brief introduction about yourself and your approach/philosophy when it comes to photography?

My name is Brian Bruno And I’m strictly a film photographer in the Philadelphia area. I always like to create images in a very natural organic way with a subject.

Let's get technical! When you tested our new film, which camera, and lens did you use? Did you use strobes or available light?

I used a Nikon F3 With lomo Art lenses and available light.

Could you say a few words about the photos you’ve taken with our new film?

They reminded me a little bit of a LomoChrome film with a touch of black and white.

Brian Bruno and Audrey Kitching with the new LomoChrome Metropolis Film

Finally, what are your thoughts about the new LomoChrome Metropolis film?

I always like my films to look dreamy and different, so this hits all the right spots.

How did the overall look of the film complement your photographic style?

As I mentioned I love dreamy photos and this added a nice little new touch to them.

In your own words, what makes this film unique?

It’s a color film that’s unlike other films out there with colors that are rarely seen.

Brian Bruno and Audrey Kitching with the new LomoChrome Metropolis Film

Would you use this film for street photography?

I think it would give a nice touch to any street photographer who strictly uses black and white and doesn’t like the typical color negative.

Would you use this film for portraits?


Based on your experience with the film, which situations do you think the film looks best?

Lots of light!

Would you recommend this film with studio lights, flash and strobes, natural or available light?

I only used with natural but I’m sure flash and strobes would add another great look as well.

Follow LomoAmigo Brian Bruno and his dreamy portraits on his Instagram

written by birgitbuchart on 2019-07-20 #gear #news #film #metropolis #lomography-film #news #lomochrome-metropolis


  1. sinkinanchorssince1984
    sinkinanchorssince1984 ·

    great photos

  2. visionalfreeman
    visionalfreeman ·

    Beautiful rendition of the Art Lens, matched perfectly with the Metropolis film!

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