Legacy: The Works of Malaysian Master Photographer Ismail Hashim

Renowned Malaysian artist and master photographer Ismail Hashim's work remain relevant and awe-inspiring years after his untimely demise. His social commentary work is stills of a time to be remembered and reflected on.

WE SHALL OVERCOME (Image courtesy of Ismail Hashim's Estate)

After a motorbike accident took the master photographer's life, he left behind negatives, test prints, contact prints, cameras, books, writings, documents and other photography equipment. His last known work was exhibited in the UNPACK – REPACK: A Tribute to Ismail Hashim (1940 – 2013).

L-R - POST BOXES ALONG BAGAN SERAI – TAIPING ROAD (Image courtesy of Ismail Hashim's Estate); HAND-CRAFTED BED, ROSARY, HEART-SHAPED STOLL, ASHES FROM MOSQUITO COILS, PLASTIC FLOWERS… (Image courtesy of Ismail Hashim's Estate); TIDUR PUNYA RALIT, BOM MELETUP PUN TAK SEDAR (Image courtesy of Ismail Hashim's Estate)

Know more about Ismail Hashim's contribution to Malaysia's art scene here.

written by crissyrobles on 2017-07-24 #news

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