
  • Summertime

    shared by yago56 on 2016-03-11


  • #21064479

    shared by naosuke on 2016-03-15

  • #21048227

    shared by lukasgizmo on 2016-03-07

    The city of love in spring 2015

  • #21065893

    shared by crismiranda on 2016-03-16

    analogue love

  • #21065614

    shared by fresh_eigelb on 2016-03-16

    Happy sharing with @Mapix - Weihnachtsrumble 2015

  • Premium Rust (Westcoast #6)

    shared by wil6ka on 2016-03-16

    I was lucky to have a free afternoon in Seattle and that the impeccable @tracymoore had time for me. I am grateful, that I could discover the very awesome gas works park with him and how 'bout that, it wasn't raining but lovely summer weather. Without Tracy it would only have been quarter the fun...

  • Corte Sant'Alda

    shared by neja on 2016-03-16

    A wine cellar… A home… my family home. That’s how things should be, I feel. And, in an unending process that leaves no room for second thoughts, the choices in real life perfected through experience become the “right” choices even in the countryside, in the cellar, in work and in relationships with others, highlighting the values of life and work themselves. The quality and characteristics of wine are even the outcome of routine decisions. We and others including nature in respect and coherence… No excess or leaps forward… Only personal dedication to the search of the best possible balance between things.” Marinella Camerani

  • #21065741

    shared by edmundrt on 2016-03-16

  • #21065861

    shared by almalo on 2016-03-16

    Lomo'Instant Wide

  • Premium Rust (Westcoast #6)

    shared by wil6ka on 2016-03-16

    I was lucky to have a free afternoon in Seattle and that the impeccable @tracymoore had time for me. I am grateful, that I could discover the very awesome gas works park with him and how 'bout that, it wasn't raining but lovely summer weather. Without Tracy it would only have been quarter the fun...

  • 他是中国区收到 Belair 首批幸运儿,听听他收到相机的感受吧!

    written by rinchy on 2012-11-15 #news
    他是中国区收到 Belair 首批幸运儿,听听他收到相机的感受吧!

    梁渊清,身为卡酷卫视少儿主持人的他同时也是一位自由摄影师。他是中国区 Belair 首批幸运的购买者与测试员,听听他收到相机的感受吧!

  • 最爱 Belair 的 6x12 格式,中国第一位 Belair LomoAmigos:梁渊清 !

    written by rinchy on 2012-12-05 #people
    最爱 Belair 的 6x12 格式,中国第一位 Belair LomoAmigos:梁渊清 !

    中国的第一位幸运的 Belair 测试者:梁渊清先生,上次已经跟大家分享了他对收到的 <a href="">Belair X 6-12 相机的首轮印象</a>!经过几天跟这部相机相处拍照之后,想听听他又有什么新的心得体会?一起来继续阅读下去吧!

  • #17322955

    shared by uncle_norman on 2012-10-30