Lomovies is for all those who love Lomo, movies and lomo pictures of your favorite movies. Shoot them simple, double them yourself, or make a lomovies film swapping double, everything is possible!!
If you want to make some lomovies doubles with us, or send us pictures you made from movies or movie doubles with others or yourself, just drop us a line! :)) We will then open an album at your name.
Enjoy the show! :))
My Photos My Albums My Walls My Likes
My Albums
Album: Psycho, the Dude & BBQ by primula
shared by lomovies on 2011-06-20 · 26 Photos 85 -
Album: Lomodirk - Sushi_9009 "Horror vs Cartoon"
shared by lomovies on 2011-06-14 · 25 Photos 37 -
Album: SciFi Doubles by elrond
shared by lomovies on 2011-02-09 · 37 Photos 42 -
Album: CameraO - sushi_9009 Doubles #2
shared by lomovies on 2011-02-04 · 21 Photos 15 -
Album: War and Peace - CameraO and sushi_9009
shared by lomovies on 2010-12-27 · 28 Photos 60 -
Album: klickovic - sushi_9009 Doubles #2
shared by lomovies on 2010-10-11 · 30 Photos 99
My Metas
- Tags:
- 2009
- 35mm
- akira kurosawa
- anarchy
- carneval
- charlie chaplin
- cinema
- classic
- classics
- color
- colour
- double
- doubles
- doubleswithvicuna
- dziga vertov
- hitchcock
- horror movie
- jelga
- journey to the moon
- kinoteka
- klickovic
- lawrence of arabia
- lc-a reversed wide angle lens
- lomovies
- man with a movie camera
- masterpieces
- maximum_b
- metropolis
- modern times
- movie
- movie doubles
- movie-doubles
- moviedoubles
- movies
- moviesdoubles
- multiple exposure
- screen
- slide
- sushi_9009
- the 7 samurais
- the great dictator
- trabantdeluxe
- tv
- vicuna
- when worlds collide
- wide angle lens
- wide angle macro
- x-pro
- xpro
- yugoslavian film archive
- Cameras:
- Agfa Isolette
- Canon FTb
- Lomo LC-A
- Lomo LC-A+
- Lomo Lubitel 166+
- Lomography Actionsampler
- Lomography Colorsplash
- Lomography Diana+
- Lomography Fisheye One
- Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim
- Zenit TTL
- Films:
- DM Paradies 100, E6
- Fuji Provia
- Fuji Sensia
- Fuji Sensia (35mm, 200iso)
- Fuji Sensia (35mm,100iso) X-Pro
- Fuji Velvia
- Ilford Pan 100
- Kodak Ektar 100
- Kodak Elitechrome 400
- Kodak Elitechrome EB
- Kodak Portra
- Lomography Redscale 100 35mm
- Lomography XPro 200 ISO 35mm
- Rollei Retro
- Schlecker 400
- no name old russian black & white film