

Welcome to my gallery!
though calling it that feels like a joke at this point. If you're here looking for anything worth your time, you’ve made a mistake. These photos aren’t bad in a “needs improvement” kind of way they’re bad in a way that no amount of effort, no amount of tinkering, no amount of wasted time could ever make them anything but a sad, futile attempt at something that should’ve never been attempted.

I’ve spent endless hours, drained every ounce of patience, and yet here we are nothing has changed. Some things are simply beyond redemption.

These aren’t photos of someone learning or improving they’re the photos of someone who’s reached a point where they know nothing will make them better. No matter how much you polish garbage, it’s still garbage. These images are a painful, undeniable truth: no amount of effort or hope will ever turn them into something worth seeing. Don’t bother looking for progress, because there’s none here. Only stagnation. Only failure.

If you think this will get better, you’re wasting your time. There’s no light at the end of this tunnel only more darkness. So, thanks for checking this out though I honestly have no idea why you would. Maybe you think something will change. But trust me, it won’t. This is just more of the same: an endless cycle of failure that can’t be fixed.
It’s funny, isn’t it? We’re told that effort will lead to progress, that persistence conquers all, but all I’ve ever found at the end of the grind is a deeper understanding of my own limitations....

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It's not magical if it's not colorful enough

My Albums