
algo diabolica


  1. iif_milan
    iif_milan ·

    Hello, I am the contest administrator from the Italian Institute of Photography. Thanks for submitting the photo to our "What does dreaming look like?" contest. To complete your participation in the contest, please write in the comments section here a description of why this photo represents or interprets dreaming. Best of luck!

  2. fram
    fram ·

    Esta imagen representa un sueño para mi, porque es como un despertar a la ciudad, la ciudad a donde vivo que quiero siempre fotografiar.
    Tambien es el destello de la ciudad, el cual ilumina el lugar y mi mente para poder llegar mas lejos.
    Muestra tambien como en los sueños todo es posible y que no importa si las cosas estan al reves o al derecho.

    This image represents a dream for me because it's like an awakening to the city, the city where I live, I always shoot.
    It is also the flash of the city, which illuminates the place and my mind to go further.
    It also shows how in dreams anything is possible and it does not matter if things are upside down or right.

  3. analogmonolog
    analogmonolog ·

    love it

  4. fram
    fram ·

    @analogmonolog : thank :)

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