How do I create a LomoKino movie using iMovie?
The LomoKino makes all the wonderful possibilities of 35mm film photography available to the world of movie making. Cross-processed comedy? Redscale romance? Black & White drama? Sure you can! Whether you choose to create experimental stop motion or fantastic montage movies, it’s possible with a LomoKino.
Here are steps on how to create a LomoKino movie using iMovie:
- From the launchpad start iPhoto.
- Go to ‘File’, then ‘Import to Library’, select your LomoKino image sequence and click ‘Import’.
- When the importing is finished from the launchpad, start iMovie.
- When iMovie opens go to ‘File’, then select ‘New Event’. Name your event in the Event Library window, then click on the photo icon on to the right.
- From the Photos window, select ‘Events’, then find your LomoKino sequence in the window below.
- Drag and drop your LomoKino event to the Project window. When the importing is finished, your sequence will appear.
- Now go to ‘Edit’ then ‘Select All’. When you go over with your mouse over the first clip blue settings button will appear. Select ‘Clip Adjustments’ and in the duration box enter 0, 01s and check the ‘Apply to all stills’ check box.
- Click on the blue settings icon and select ‘Cropping, Ken Burns & Rotation’ and in the preview window click on ‘Fit’ button.
- Click on the play button to preview your LomoKino video.
- Now go to ‘Share’ and select ‘Export using QuickTime’. Name your movie and select the save destination. In the export options you can select the format of your movie and select the compression, frame rate and resolution of your exported video.
- When you click ‘Save’ exporting of your LomoKino movie will start.
- Look for your LomoKino exported file and play it. Enjoy!
Watch the How-To video: