Over/Underground Pyongyang (Northkorea #24)

The city structures we saw in Pyongyang are very sophisticated. Northkorea is very proud on their underground system and it's an interesting photographic field to discover. We have been to the monuments of heroes, which centers the mother of Kim Jong Il, who is considered the mother of all Korea. And then there was the Koryo Hotel. My Guide was so sweet and organized myself one of the better rooms with a great view, so I could explore the opposite skyscrapers at various times of the day, which I did plentyful. In between I thought there was a guy watching me from the other side for hours. But that was only a thought...


  1. vicuna
    vicuna ·

    was ist denn das genau?

  2. wil6ka
    wil6ka ·

    @vicuna ·Das ist am Eingang des Juche Towers, der Ideologie in Nordkorea. Es gibt Juche Organisationen in der ganzen Welt, die dort verewigt sind. Ich glaube, dass sind aber meistens Nordkoreaner, die ihre Zelte im Ausland aufgeschlagen haben. Her zählt der alte kapiltalistische Wahlspruch: Je mehr, desto besser! :)

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