Indrayanti Beach, Yogyakarta in Black and White


Indrayanti Beach, is one of the most popular new beaches in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It’s located in Indrayanti Village in Tepus, sub Tepus Wonosari Gunungkidul, which is easily accessible using private cars and motorcycles. This place has now become a new tourist destination in Yogyakarta.

Indrayanti Beach became an alternative place to spend a family vacation, even though this white sand beach is not as popular like other beaches. However, there are still a lot of lodging facilities that have been built there.

You can enjoy traditional music called “Gamelan” in the cafe area here:

Eating seafood in the restaurant, enjoying coconuts under the pandan trees, and just taking a rest…

Enjoying the scenery, playing with the waves…

or doing some tricks…

If ever you get the chance to come here, do have a nice spring holiday and enjoy yourselves at Indrayanti Beach. :)


written by dikasapi on 2012-04-17 #places #location #select-type-of-location #escape-from-the-city #beach-sand-holiday-yogyakarta-sunset-bw-b-w


  1. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    Mas @dikasapi saya rikues article tentang Sayidan dan Shaggy Dog dong? =D

  2. dikasapi
    dikasapi ·

    @hervinsyah siap mas,cm mas heru lg mondar mandir ga di jogja terus nih skrg..

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