Crazy Colorful Flash Photos Taken with the Diana Instant Back+

Get instant gratification whenever and wherever with the Diana Instant Back+!

Credits: blackbyrd

Get your dose of cool square photographs without the need to wait for your prints to come back from the lab! Just snap on the *Diana Instant Back+* and you’re good to go. Enjoy double exposures, flashy snaps and more exciting analogue experiments on instant film. Take the plunge and enjoy the thrill of seeing your prints appear right in front of you. Let these photos from the community show you how to do it:

Credits: tracyvmoore, warning, m_ariia, corvas, angelhaken, vinz-satori, missv, ndroo, ruprechtstudios & mensa

Enjoy the fun analogue lifestyle on the fly. Take the classic *Diana F+*, attach the *Instant Back+* and just have a blast. Available at the *Online Shop*.

written by cheeo on 2014-10-28 #lifestyle #diana #instant-back

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