1. nadinadu
    nadinadu ·

    i was just wondering if you take your Holga pics with flash or not?
    cause mine never really turn out..so im trying to see how other people do it...
    would be alot of help :) and love your photos!

  2. xxxanderrr
    xxxanderrr ·

    Outside - nope. Flash really only covers a distance of 1-2 meters, and with the sun out it doesn't help much either.
    With the Holga it's tricky - its aperture settings SUCK ass. Which is why you'd have to use fast film (iso 200 or smtg) to have your pics turn out evenly exposed.
    This picture for example was shot on iso 160 film, and since this is a double, it means that it's technically 160x2, so pretty much ISO400, on the afternoon with the sun right behind me.
    Trial and error I guess is what makes the Holga what it is. For some people in bright sun ISo50 is enough, for others - even ISO400 doesn't cut it.
    You just have to try it out and see how your Holga responds. But I suggest starting out with ISO200 for that.

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