
  • Holga 135 BC-新手入門導師

    written by kuo-kwi on 2011-08-08 #gear
    Holga 135 BC-新手入門導師

    每當朋友問起,<a href="" target="=blank">Holga 135 BC</a> 一定是我最推薦的入門機,見到他的第一眼,可能會被他玩具般的外表給騙了,不過他的功能可是不容小覷,是一台潛力滿滿的相機!

  • #11831128

    shared by zoee on 2010-09-18

  • #13690892

    shared by zoee on 2011-07-03

  • June 28, 2009

    shared by dirklancer on 2009-08-05

    The soccer season wrapped up tonight for minidirklancer with a pool party. I thought this would be a great chance to try out my new Krab, but I was so nervous everytime I put it underwater that I would hold it up and check for leaks after every picture. Some of the shots turned out so great that I can't wait to use it some more!
