A Beautiful Day for a LomoWalk

Our lenses can help us to see so differently.

I wandered out of the office today, taking a break from a particularly demanding project (I work as a writer and I’m finishing up a magazine, one where I’ve actually written the entire thing), and took my Diana F+ Glow out for some shots around campus. It’s the first day where it really feels like spring, even with temperatures only just above freezing. The sky is almost painfully blue, the buildings have lost a lot of their snow and ice, and there are some signs we can sprout and reach and grow again.

What I love about these walks is the way I have to see differently. I’ve worked and studied on this college campus for about six years, and yet, with a viewfinder and some film, I’m looking at these structures differently every time I go out.

So much of what we see around us is filled in from memory. It’s healthy to flip off the splitzer and get the full picture again every now and then.

written by evibuell on 2013-03-28